
Monday, February 4, 2019

Concert and Craft/Show and Tell

Yuma, Arizona              High 69 Low 51

Last week we went to a Little Richard tribute concert here in the Park. The entertainer went down and chatted with the audience prior to his concert.

He also talked to us during the show. He sang several Elvis songs along with Little Richard. He also sang some Beetles songs.

While he was talking to the audience, he pick on one man, telling him he looked like Kenny Rogers. He also sang some Kenny Rogers songs. Because he told us he lives in Hawaii, some one asked him to sing a Hawaiian song and he sang Don Ho's "Tiny Bubbles".

This is part of our ball room. 
He was a very good entertainer and everyone had a good time.

Saturday there was a Craft Show scheduled at which the things were for sale. Cindy asked a month ago if we could have a show and tell of all the different hobbies and they were put together on the same day.

We had a lot of people there to see what we had on display.

Cindy had asked for two tables (we don't have any way to hang our Quilts). I told her she needed more tables but she thought she could get by with two. She had so many quilts that she could have had her own quilt show and ended up taking 3 1/2 tables. Some of the quilt ladies had signed up and asked for a table and then only had a few quilt to show.

Some of the Craft Items for sale were Wooden bowls, Jewelry, photography, Paintings, and even jams and jelly.

Along with the quilts that weren't for sale, there was pottery displays, stained glass, knitting and jewelry all of which were there to show off.

We had fun showing off what we can do and I hope they do it again.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. With that many tables it shows just how dedicated you both are to your Hobby.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. How fun!! I'm surprised Cindy didn't have 5 tables, she has so many beautiful quilts to show!! Love those paintings. There's some pretty talented people in your park!!
