
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Friends Made It Here

 Riverton, Utah         High 96 Low 70

It has been almost unbearably hot here and is supposed to stay that way for the next week.

I finished another Christmas quilt.

We were expecting visitors. Sandi Dixon made it last Friday and stayed with us for 2 days on the way to Montana. We had a good visit. She writes Where Are The Dixons Today. 

We were also expecting Nancy Kissack. She said she would be here Saturday at 1:00 pm, but forgot about the time change and that she never travels the speed limit, so she got here at 3;00 pm. In one of her texts, she said have the ice cream waiting, so we had a dish of ice cream for her as soon as she got parked. Sorry for the poor pictures. 

We did get better pictures of Sandi and Nancy.

Nancy and I quilted one of her quilts, which was too large for her machine, and she hadn't quilted much custom. I hope I helped her with the custom quilting a little bit. I had her do some of the stitch in a ditch part.

She seemed more comfortable with this part when we got through. 

We finished her quilt today. I hope she is happy with it. 

Cindy liked it well enough, that she wants to do one like it.

Tomorrow we are going to do our own Quilt Store Shop Hop. There are about a dozen quilt shops to go to, several, Nancy hasn't been to before. The only bad part is that she won't be able to buy any material because she says she hasn't got any storage in her van.

Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

One More Quilt and Getting Ready For Visitors

 Riverton, Utah          High 102 Low 70

It has got very hot but is expected to cool off by the week end. I hope the weather guessers are correct.

We have been busy cleaning and yard work in anticipation of expected visitors. We are looking forward to having them come and visit.

I only finished one quilt this week, but it is the Y seam Nightmare. I didn't want to just do an over-all, so I got a little creative using different patterns and thread.

I don't know why Blogger has to keep changing how to put pictures on my post. I guess it was too easy the way it was and now they have to make it harder.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Fruit And More Quilts

 Riverton, Utah     High 82 Low 55

The weather cooled off and it has been a lot more pleasant than when it was 100 degrees. The weather guessers are predicting the coolest July 4th ever. We don't miss all the hot days.

The bad thing about the Forth of July holiday is all the fireworks going off which scare poor little Penny.

Our apricots are getting ripe, but won't be ready for about another week. The cherries are ripe already and two days have made a big difference in their taste. We used to have birds that got all of them, but the last 3 years they have pretty much left them alone. The first year I didn't know I needed to spray and they all got wormy. Last year I think I picked them a little early. This year they are just right.

Cindy has been busy making quilts and gardening. She made a fall quilt and had blocks left over, so she made a table runner with the left-overs.

I snuck this oriental quilt in between the fall quilt and table runner.

Cindy does like her pieces.

 We are still trying to keep busy. Penny helps with that, she wants me to take her for about a mile walk every evening. Some days have been too hot, but we make it most of the time.

We are supposed to get visitors next week and the week after. We are looking forward to them visiting.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer Is Here

 Riverton, Utah             High 94 l    Low 64

It finally got really hot. We had one day that got to 100, and then got cool again. Tomorrow is supposed to get to 100 again and then in the upper 90's for the next 10 days. The only good thing is that our humidity only gets to 30% on a really bad day. I don't know how people stand it when the temperature is in the upper 90's with 95% humidity.

Cindy has been busy trying to get the garden going. Here are a few more pictures.

I have been busy quilting and got some more quilts finished. Cindy made one too many tulip blocks and rather than not use it, we put it in the middle of the back. The quilt wasn't hard to do, but had so many patterns, that it took a while to do.

The next one, Cindy called stars and strips because of the colors. I used a star pattern mostly, except for the outer border.

We decided to bite the bullet and get our 19 year old car's AC fixed. It probably cost more to fix than the car is worth, but we decided with the low (for it's age) mileage it was probably worth it. It is nice to have AC and we probably wouldn't be able to drive it without the air conditioning. I don't know how people could drive cars before ac was put in them.

Thanks for visiting.                

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lots Of Garden Work

 Riverton, Utah        High 95 Low 67

Summer has got here a little early. Tomorrow is supposed to get to 100, which for this time of year, is awfully hot. We could be in Yuma, where it has already got to 110.

Cindy has been busy with the garden. she has lots of plants coming up.

There are lots of flowers in bloom and getting ready to bloom.

We have a good cherry crop this year again and I sprayed the fruit trees a few days ago and have to spray every two weeks. 

Our old car's air conditioner developed a leak and it is so hot I took it in to check what is wrong. I'm not sure a 19 year old car is worth fixing, but for the year 115,000 miles isn't that many, so we will see what they find.

In between everything else I managed to quilt three more quilts.

This Christmas panel is exactly the same size as the Beach panel and Cindy used the same pattern for it. They were quick easy all over patterns for my machine and didn't take long to do.

The quilt I'm working on now isn't hard, but there are a lot of different patterns in it and it is a larger quilt, so it is taking me a while to quilt.

Thanks for visiting.