Yesterday, January 26, 2013, was a rainy dreary day, so we
decided to go into town. Ray and I had
lunch at La Mesa again. We sat with a couple that has been living this life
style for 15 years. They just bought a new motorhome at age 86. Their
philosophy was to go as long as they possibly can. I am in agreement. There is
so much to see and do in this great country of ours. We have met wonderful people from all over
the U.S. and Canada. We have been
invited to visit two different couples in Canada on our way to Alaska. We just might do that.
Ray’s eyes light up and he was asking several questions about
this rig. I kept saying to myself as he
was talking NO, NO ABSOULTY NOT!!!!! The original cost two years ago was
$1,500,000., now all they are asking is $450,000. Way, way out of our range.
Last night we went to Silly Sal’s for pizza. About 40 other
Boomers went; great food and better company. Part of the conversation was from
people telling us about their experiences in Alaska. Can’t wait to go!!
What a surprise, I ran into Monty Hadley a retired School
Transportation Director from Weber School district. It’s a small world.
After church we pulled out of Boomerville (most have already
left) to join the SKP Geocaching BOF (birds of a feather) it is their
geocaching rally, until Thursday morning. It has been a few years since we have
done any geocaching, so this is all new to us to. I found my first travel bug on Vern and
Wendy’s rig.
Another great day!
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