
Sunday, October 13, 2024

My Hand Is Okay

 Riverton, Utah          High 81 Low 56

The weather here has been warmer than normal, about 20 degrees warmer, and new records have been set. Next Thursday is supposed to get back to normal.

I went to the hospital to the hand surgeon to get the pin nail taken out of my hand. They gave me a local in my hand, but wouldn't let me watch. The Doctor announce at 11 minutes he had the nail. They took me back to my room and let me get dressed and leave. I had to keep my hand dry for 10 days until I went to have the Doctor look at my hand again. He had put in self dissolving stitches and said everything looked good. I just have to keep brandade's on my hand for a while.

In the meanwhile, I finished two quilts, one of which took me two weeks to do. There are lots of different patterns and thread colors. 

The other quilt is smaller (although not much) and I was able to do an over all pattern. This one only took a day to do. Cindy had some blocks left over, which we incorporated into the back. The quilt front and back are flannel.

We slowly have been getting ready to head south to Yuma, but with all the warm weather, the walnut tree leaves haven't started to fall. We feel like we need to wait until they are picked up to leave because the dead leaves will kill the lawn if left .

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Almost October

Riverton, Utah      High 90 Low 68

The temperature has been unusually warm for this time of year. Salt Lake City set some new record highs this last week The temperature is more like August than September.

A week ago, we had most of the family over for a Barbeque. The great grand kids are getting big, and some of them are in school

I got some more quilts finished.

Friday, I was replacing some decorative molding over our washer and dryer. I was using a new to me, air pin nailer. I hadn't used it before and it didn't seem to work, so I was playing around with the trigger. And in the process, I put one of the pin nails into my hand. I decided to go to the insta-care to see if they could get it out. I found out what Nancy was talking about on the check in form. One of the questions was gender. They next question asked gender at birth. They the next one asked preferred pronoun. I ignored most of those type questions. Evidentially, this isn't just a California thing.

After getting x-rayed, the technician told me she wouldn't be able to help me and I needed to go to the emergency room at the hospital. After a long wait, they finally saw if they could get the nail out, and after trying for a while, he told me I would have to go to the main hospital uptown and see a hand surgeon. 

I should mention that the nail is about an inch long and about the size of two pins put together. It is bothering me, so I guess I better get it taken out. 

Anyway, they won't be able to do anything until Monday, and the hand doctor is supposed to call this evening. (I hope). 

I hope your time has been better than mine. By the way, I feel pretty stupid nailing myself.

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

September Is Half Gone

 Riverton, Utah            High 85 Low 61

The weather has been up and down lately. After today it is supposed to get cooler for the fall.

We have been busy with more quilting. I quilted three since my last post.

Friday we went to play bingo again. Cindy won three times, twice were in black-out. The prize was (are you ready?) a quilt. She turned the quilt down of course and everyone understood that we made some many quilts that we thought it should go to someone that needed it. It turned out that with winning 3 bingos she won 3 dollars.

Yesterday we went to a quilting material estate sale. The lady running it started out wanting about a dollar sixty five a yard and if you bought enough it went down to $1.33. They weighed it and that is about what we figured we got for the weight. After we got home, I wanted to go back and she was about ready to quit and so she made the fabric $1.00 a yard. It was all pieces, but Cindy was happy because she got a lot of white, and light fabric. It was all good name brand fabric. The lady's mother was the one that had the large stash. She also had embroidery thread that she was selling for $.50 a spool. One of the spools was so old that it was marked 45 cents. We didn't want that one because it had to be about 50 years old.

Cindy's garden is winding down. She got quit a bit of zucchini and tomatoes. We also had cantaloupe and honeydew. She is slowly getting rid of plants that are finished. 

Thanks for visiting. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September Already

 Riverton, Utah         High 93 Low 59

Here it is September. What happened to August? The Weather here has been nice for the last week. We even had some cool days where we didn't need to run the air conditioning.

Cindy has been very busy with her garden. I have found some repairs to do. One of them was a refrigerator that quit working. I had the repairman out probably 6 different times. He found a leaking condenser coil and replace it. It worked for a few days that time, then had another Freon leak. He got that fixed, then the freezer wouldn't get any colder than the fridge. He tried a sensor, which made no difference. The last time he was out, he still didn't know what was wrong, so he called the factory. They told him it might be the compressor. The fridge has two compressors, one for the fridge, and one for the freezer. This model isn't made anymore. It is 27 inch wide and the closest I cold find was 27 1/4. I decided I didn't want to keep messing with the old fridge, so I had to enlarge the opening 1/2 inch to accommodate the new fridge. I should mention the old one is counter depth and built in, while the new one is free standing and also counter depth. I got the opening enlarged and now we are waiting for the new one.

Here is a picture of some of the fruits and vegetables we had for dinner one night from Cindy's garden. The Honey dew melon was excellent, also the cantaloupe was very good.

And there is nothing like home grown tomatoes.

We have been going to The Senior Center on Fridays to play Bingo. The first time I had beginners luck and won a whole dollar. Friday, Cindy was the big winner, with a five dollar win. We don't have to pay to play, and they have a lot of people playing. Five dollars is the highest amount to be won.

I have finished a few quilts:

The next one is the Dream Big Panel. The Center used 57 different patterns to quilt it. It does take a while to finish

Thanks for visiting.