
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hobby Night and Taco Fiesta

 Yuma, Arizona       High 84 Low 49

The weather has been getting a lot warmer for this time of the year. The weather guessers are [predicting low 90s for the next few days. We have noticed that it gets cool fairly fast when the sun goes down.

Our church put on a hobby night last week. There are a lot of very talented people, and the root beer floats were good, also.

Cindy brought 4 of our quilts.

We found, what Cindy says, is a good use of used levi's. She says it is a cute apron.

Last night we went to a Taco Fiesta. There were lots of people, lots of taco's and lot of ice cream. The food was very good and we both over ate.

Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Car Show

 Yuma, Arizona  High 76 Low 47

We have had some warm days, but it got really windy for some days. The wind and dust makes it quite miserable.

Penny still has to go to Yappy Hour almost every afternoon. Some days there are in excess of 20 small dogs runny around. And if a large dog gets anywhere near to the small dog Park the intruder alert goes off and 8 or 10 of the small dogs bark at the large dog. If is fun to watch.

We had our annual Car Show here in the Park. I don't think there were quite as many cars as in other years, but still had a good turn-out.

I still have been playing shuffleboard three time per week. It is all friendly competition, and everyone has a good time.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 Yuma, Arizona        High 77 Low 55

It finally warmed up here in Yuma. We have finally got nice weather with very little wind.

I mentioned last post that there was a shuffleboard tournament that I was going to be in. My first game, I was doing alright the first half, until we changed sides. I found a spot that I could shot from and get points. Unfortunately, my opponent watched where I was shooting and beat me in the second half. This put me into the constellation round. I was playing against a little old grey haired lady. We were tied for almost the whole game until the last frame. She got a disc into score and I didn't, so she beat me by 7 points. I guess I didn't watch out for the little grey haired lady well enough. 

The rest of the tournament I either kept score or refereed for the players remaining in the tournament. It was still fun and maybe I'll do better next time.

We had a lot of players from other parks and had 128 entries this year which was up from 96 last year.

Thanks for visiting.