Wishing all of our readers a Happy New Year. We had a good first year of retirement.
I decided to do a recap of some of the years highlights, along with some of our pictures.
Right after the first of the year, we went to Quartzsite and stayed a little over 2 weeks with the Boomers. We had a really good time, but decided to try it with the Montana Owners this year. We will visit the Boomers and Escapees while in Quartzsite.
After Quartzsite we spent some time in Yuma getting stained glass for our fifth wheel windows and getting meds in Algodones.
After Yuma we went to Escapees North Ranch and went to Boot Camp. While there we got to meet Mike and Pat And although they have quit blogging, we look forward to getting together with them again. We also got to meet Al and Kelly and of course Pheebs at Congress.
After Congress, we went to Mesa and spent a little time with each of our sons. We also got to meet Jim and Sandi, Rod and Loyce, Ed and Marilynn, Jimbo, and Gordon and Juanita, along with some other bloggers.
We then came home to do taxes, and left on the trip of a lifetime....Alaska.
We spent almost a month in Alberta and the Yukon and got to see a lot of wildlife.
When we finally went into Alaska, it was on the Top of The World Highway out of Dawson City, Yukon. When we went over the road had been plowed to the Alaskan boarder and was in great shape. The Alaska part looked like it hadn't been plowed for quite a while, but if you go slow it was OK.
We then spent some time at North Pole and Fairbanks. While in Fairbanks, we dove up to the Arctic Circle, which gave us a view of some different landscapes.
We spent some time in Anchorage, and I got my start fishing at Coopers Landing. We then went to Soldotna and spent a lot of time there sightseeing and fishing.
After Soldotna we went to Valdez before we headed back to the Yukon, and down through British Columbia.
We stayed in Washington for a while and got to meet some other bloggers, Dan and Patty Chance, and Nancy Kissick.
We came home for a little while, and turned around and went to the Oregon coast. We got to see a lot of the beautiful scenery in Oregon, and finally came home just before Thanksgiving.
We had nice visits with our family at Christmas, and are preparing to leave on Thursday to go to Arizona again.
We drove almost 16,000 mile this year, and it was well worth it.
I'm sorry this is so long, but thanks for visiting.