Today started out on the cool side and we were wishing we had worn Jackets for a while. It warmed up a little and was a really pleasant day.
Our first stop was the Visitors Center and we got some literature about the Auto Tour. I didn't realize how close to the town the battles were. We stopped at the Cemetery and took a few pictures. We intend on going back and walk through the Cemetery on another day. I had rented the CD's for the Auto tour and found the starting place and it is very well marked.
Cindy even got her picture taken with President Lincoln.
The three days of Battles were July 1, 2, and 3rd 1863. I don't know how many soldiers died, but one of the Park people said there was at one point of time, a 25 acre wheat field that it wasn't possible to walk across without walking on dead bodies. He also told us that the Union forces didn't have any water where they were, and at night they sneaked down to the stream and filled their canteens. When they got back to their campfires and could see what they had got, they dumped it all out because there was so much blood in the water. He told us the water ran bloody for three days until flash floods cleaned out the streams.
At one of the stops there is a bronze monument sculpted by the same man that oversaw the carving at Mount Rushmore. The information plaque stated that he had put his likeness in the middle of the faces on the monument. It was a monument to the soldiers of North Carolina. We thought it was interesting.
There are far too many picture to put them all on one post, so I will have to put some more on another day. The are a lot of makers along the roads.
About halfway through the drive, we decided to get Penny and take her with us, as we would not be going inside any buildings.
She walked a lot and got so tired that while she was sleeping, she didn't even wake up with the flash on the camera.
Thanks for visiting.
A horrible battle with so many deaths. A sad time in our country's history. Penny is so fluffy.