
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Almost October

Riverton, Utah      High 90 Low 68

The temperature has been unusually warm for this time of year. Salt Lake City set some new record highs this last week The temperature is more like August than September.

A week ago, we had most of the family over for a Barbeque. The great grand kids are getting big, and some of them are in school

I got some more quilts finished.

Friday, I was replacing some decorative molding over our washer and dryer. I was using a new to me, air pin nailer. I hadn't used it before and it didn't seem to work, so I was playing around with the trigger. And in the process, I put one of the pin nails into my hand. I decided to go to the insta-care to see if they could get it out. I found out what Nancy was talking about on the check in form. One of the questions was gender. They next question asked gender at birth. They the next one asked preferred pronoun. I ignored most of those type questions. Evidentially, this isn't just a California thing.

After getting x-rayed, the technician told me she wouldn't be able to help me and I needed to go to the emergency room at the hospital. After a long wait, they finally saw if they could get the nail out, and after trying for a while, he told me I would have to go to the main hospital uptown and see a hand surgeon. 

I should mention that the nail is about an inch long and about the size of two pins put together. It is bothering me, so I guess I better get it taken out. 

Anyway, they won't be able to do anything until Monday, and the hand doctor is supposed to call this evening. (I hope). 

I hope your time has been better than mine. By the way, I feel pretty stupid nailing myself.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Consider yourself Lucky. A fellow I worked with was using a Framing Gun. He walked in emergency with a 2 X 4 attached to his Finger. It took nearly a year before his finger started to heal. His wife gave the Nailer away.
    Stay Safe!

    It's about time.
