
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Quilts and Still Busy

 Riverton, Utah      High 89 Low 65

It has cooled off some and we have had some rain late in the afternoon for the last few days. It has been thunder-showers with lot of lightning and thunder. Unfortunately, Penny has been getting worse about things like fireworks and thunder. When there is lots of thunder she shivers and wants to be held.

I finished quilting three quilts since my last post. Pictures are below:

We finished another Dream Big Quilt, which I have been working on for the last week. I am not quite finished with it, so pictures will have to wait.

Cindy's garden has been going great with lots of tomatoes and zucchini. The cucumber plant I had a picture of last post has been going crazy. I am putting last post picture, with today's picture for comparison.

It is into the driveway at least another 18 inches in addition to getting fuller. We seem to have tons of blossoms with honey bees busy every day. Cindy has harvested lots of cucumbers already.

I am glad to see that Nancy is utilizing her computer on her Quilting machine. It does take lots longer than Edge to Edge, but the finished result more than makes it worthwhile.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Wait ... do I see an edge to edge?? I absolutely LOVE that one with the panel and piano keys. SO creative Cindy!! Yup I'm loving doing the borders different than the rest. Maybe I'll branch out even more. As for the cucumbers ... obviously Cindy has a green thumb!! It's certainly a happy camper!!!

  2. Have you tried a Thunder Shirt for Penny? Friends of ours say they work.
    You definitely have the magic touch with the Quilts
    That garden could soon be classified as a Hobby Farm.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
