
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Car Show

 Yuma, Arizona  High 76 Low 47

We have had some warm days, but it got really windy for some days. The wind and dust makes it quite miserable.

Penny still has to go to Yappy Hour almost every afternoon. Some days there are in excess of 20 small dogs runny around. And if a large dog gets anywhere near to the small dog Park the intruder alert goes off and 8 or 10 of the small dogs bark at the large dog. If is fun to watch.

We had our annual Car Show here in the Park. I don't think there were quite as many cars as in other years, but still had a good turn-out.

I still have been playing shuffleboard three time per week. It is all friendly competition, and everyone has a good time.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Really like the 31s and the 50. It seems more and more Motorheads are hanging up the keys.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Those pups ... they are so protective of THEIR little dog park. All the better that Penny rules the roost!!! Nice cars !!
