
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

More Quilts And Getting Ready For Hot Weather

 Riverton, Utah           High 73 Low 50

It has been pleasant temperatures lately. We found out the hard way that the raspberries don't like the really hot weather. I read that it is the UV that does them in, so we made a PVC frame with a mesh cover to cut down on the harmful sun rays. By the time we got it in last year, we had lost a lot of our plants so today I put the frame together.

I will get the mesh on in the next few days.

I worked on a quilt for a customer that I am about sorry I agreed to do. Her mother had traced a pattern on tricot fabric. She also used tricot for the back. The problem is that the material stretches a lot in one direction. I had to load it so the stretch was sideways and not up and down. It was still terrible to put on my machine, and then I had to be careful not to stretch the sides. She told me that her mother had worked on it a long time ago and I think her mother had been gone for at least 8 years. She wanted it for her grand-daughter's wedding.

This is one quilt I'm glad to have finished.

I also did another Halloween quilt which is identical to the other two Cindy made, so I won't put pictures of it on this post.

Tomorrow I go to the Doctor about my knee problem again. He said he could put a shot in the knee area which will stop the pain for a while. I know I'm tired of having to use a cane to walk, and besides, Penny has missed her afternoon walks. The Doctor told me that the x-rays didn't indicate surgery at this time.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man ... there's nothing worse than stretchy material on a quilting machine. She probably won't even notice it though. Sorry about your knee .. hopefully a shot (OMG that's scary) will help.
